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EnviroVideo Documentaries
#301 Three Mile Island Revisited
#302 The Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#303 Hot Dry Rock
#305 Nukes In Space
#307 Star Wars Returns


EnviroVideo Specials
#700 The Reach of Chernobyl
#404 People United for Environmental Justice: 10 Years of Triumph
#406 Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko: The Truth about Chernobyl
#202 Dr. Ernest Sternglass Live, Fallout and Breast Cancer
#206 Dr. Jay M. Gould Live
#207 Toxics and Human Health
#209 Dr. Helen Caldicott at the Ethical Culture Society
#210 Michio Kaku on Nuclear in Space
#211 Mark Crispin Miller: Fooled Again
#220 300,000 Reasons to Close Indian Point

Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series Archives  

(Click Title To Watch)

ECU 160 The Machine in The Garden.jpg
ECU 162 Enviro Careers.jpg
ECU 169 Eastern Africa.jpg
ECU 184 Quantum Lean in Solar Electricit
ECU 186 Earth Action.jpg
ECU 187 U.S. Sustainable Energy Policy.j
ECU 188 Toxic Action.jpg
ECU 194 Second Wind.jpg
ECU 198 Prairie Island Coalition.jpg
ECU 199 Save The Manatees.jpg

Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series
Archives   (Click to Watch)

#101 Helen Caldicott







#102 Michelle Perreault, Sierra Club & Brock Evans, Audubon Society

#103 Nitin Desai, Reed Beyers and Bob Backus


#104 Jane Perkins Rusty Russell





#105 Ecological Economics, Ruth Caplan and Owen Delong
#107 Abby Rockefeller, Bill Duesing and Seth Schulman





#110 Food Irradiation

#115 Henry Kendall Union of Concern Scientists





#116 We The People Stephen Comely

#121 Bruce Anderson Earth Day

#123 Harvey Wasserman

#124 Robert Pollard
#125 Judith Johnsrud and Dr. Donnell W. Boardman
#126 George Wald
#127 Solar Electricity
#128 Radiation Guinea Pigs

#129 Business for Social Responsibility





#131 Frances Moore Lappe and Paul Martin DuBois
#132 Small Is Beautiful Lives
#135 Saving Marine Mammals, Fighting SLAPP
#136 Dr. Theo Colborn of WWF
#137 Nuclear Proliferation - Gordon Thompson and Nancy Anderson







#138 Energy in The 90's

#139 American Rivers





#141 The Whistle-Blowers
#142 South Africa and Environmental Justice





#143 Richard Grossman
#146 Everything You Wanted to Know About Composting

#149 Environmental Roundtable Colin Isaacs



#153 Why Not Solar Now





#154 Loose Nukes





#156 Population Explosion
#157 Breast Cancer and the Environment
#158 The Trilateral Commission





#160 The Machine in The Garden







#161 Hydrogen: Abundant Clean Energy
#162 Enviro Careers





#167 Environmental Journalism
#169 Environmental Issues: Eastern Africa





#171 A Good Environment: The Ultimate Preventive Medicine
#172 Deep Ecology
#173 Nuclear Wasteland
#174 The Scenic Hudson
#175 Greenhouses That Grow Clean Water
#176 Biodiesel: An Alternative Fuel
#177 Environmental Values in America
#180 The War Against The Greens
#181 Renewables Are Ready
#182 The Poisoning Of Our Food
#183 Green Building
#184 Quantum Leap in Solar Electricity





#185 Mothers & Others
#186 Earth Action


#187 U.S. Sustainable Energy Policy

#188 Toxics Action





#189 David Bower Part 1
#190 David Bower Part 2
#193 Reactor Watchdog Project
#194 Second Wind





#195 Dr. Alvin Marks, Solar Pioneer
#198 Prairie Island Coalition





#199 Save the Manatees


Index of Programs

The Enviro Close-Up Archives

Hundreds of programs covering:

Activism, Environmental Issues,
Globalization, Health Issues,
Military Issues, Nuclear Power and Weapons,
Renewable Energy, Social Justice, Sustainability

EnviroVideo Documentaries
#301 Three Mile Island Revisited {Click to Watch]
#302 The Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#303 Hot Dry Rock {Watch]
#305 Nukes In Space {Watch)
#307 Star Wars Returns {Watch]

Crimes Against the Future {Watch)

EnviroVideo Specials
#700 The Reach of Chernobyl
#404 People United for Environmental Justice: 10 Years of Triumph
#406 Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko: The Truth About Chernobyl

Watch Excerpt

#201 Dr. Helen Caldicott in NYC 1992

#202 Dr. Ernest Sternglass Live, Fallout and Breast Cancer
#206 Dr. Jay M. Gould Live
#207 Toxics and Human Health
#209 Dr. Helen Caldicott at the Ethical Culture Society
#210 Michio Kaku on Nuclear in Space
#211 Mark Crispin Miller: Fooled Again
#220 - 300,000 Reasons to Close Indian Point

Karl Grossman's commentary on Curiosity, NASA's plutonium  powered Mars Rover {Click to Watch]

Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Shows

#500 E The Environmental Magazine (Watch Excerpt)
#501 Noise In Our Skies (Watch Excerpt]
#502 Citizens Laboratory - Fred Young & Carole Allen {Click to watch)
#503 Ecology and Economics
#504 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
#505 Government Accountability Project

#506 Ozone Action with John Passacantando {Click to watch)
#509 Save the Rain Forests

#511 Cancer-Environment Connection {Watch Excerpt]
#513 The Enemy Within {Watch Excerpt]
#514 Corporate Morality
#515 Who Owns the Sun? with John O'Conner
#516 Ross Gelbspan: The Heat Is On

#517 Depleted Uranium M J Williams Judy Scotnicki
#518 Dr. Evelyn A. Mauss: Lead Poisonig
#519 Electromagnetic Radiation with Louis Slesin

#520 Nuclear Energy & It's Alternatives - Harvey Wasserman

#521 Mitsuo Okamoto: A Voice For Peace
#525 Marshall Islands: On The Beach {Watch Excerpt]
#526 We Are All Downwinders
#528 The Nuclear Expansion in Asia and Australia {Watch Excerpt]
#529 Driving on Hydrogen

#530 Women's Action for Directions with Susam Shaer

#533 Infact with Kathryn Mulvey and Lucinda Wykle

#534 Forces of Nature with Chip Mauck
#535 Atomic Veterans with Dr. Oscar Rosen
#536 Inform Inc. with Nevin Cohen
#538 Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom
#539 The Wonders of Industrial Hemp
#540 Overfishing
#541 Michael Mariotte: The State of Nuclear Power Today (‘98)
#542 Karl Z. Morgan: Founder of Health Physics
#543 Alice Stewart: Radiation Research Pioneer
#544 Michio Kaku: The Anti-Nuclear Nuclear Physicist

#545 Sustainable Life Style Campaign
#546 Vandana Shiva: Globalization & Nature
#547 Fritjof Capra: Ecological Literacy
#548 John Stauber: PR Watch {Watch]
#549 Martin Teitel: Responsible Genetics
#550 Harvey Wasserman Challenging Nuclear Power
#552 Peggy Shepard Environmental Justice
#553 Victor W. Sidel, M.D. Physicians for Social Responsibility
#554 The Forever Fuel: Hydrogen [Watch]
#555 Media and the Environment with Mark Crispin Miller
#556 Michael Phillips: Food As Medicine {Watch Excerpt]
#557 Paul Lacinski: Serious Straw Bale House  {Watch]
#558  Sustainable Energy
#559  The Women's Environment & Development Organization
#560  The ABC's of Atomic Power
#561  The New Push to Revive Nuclear Power
#563  Ashok Gupta: Green Ground Zero

#564 Health of the Environment
#565  Glen Alcalay: The Atomic Atolls
#566  Brian Howard: Message in a Bottle {Watch Excerpt]
#567  Victor Yannacone: Environmental Law Pioneer
#568 Blowing in the Offshore Wind
#569 Saving Farms
#570 The Reckoning: Global Warming
#571 Andy Kimbrell: Challenging Corporate Globalization {Watch]
#572 David Suzuki
#573 John Cavanagh: Alternatives to Economic Globalization
#574 Oren Lyons: Value Change for Survival {Watch]
#575 Socially Responsible Investing {Watch]

#576 Just Food
#577 Alex Wilson: Building Green {Watch]
#578 Michael Brune: Rainforest Action Network {Watch]
#579 Frank Locantore: The Politics of Paper {Watch] 
#580 Ashley Shelby: The Ongoing Exxon Valdez Disaster {Watch]
#581 Dave Phillips: Earth Island Institute {Watch]
#582 Richard Heinberg: Oil: The Party's Over {Watch]
#583 John Mohawk: A Conversation with John Mohawk {Watch]
#584 Carolyn Raffensperger: Science and Environmental Health {Watch]
#585 Disinfopedia with John Stauber {Watch]
#586 John de Graaf: Take Back Your Time {Watch]
#587 Brian Halweil: Eat Here, Homegrown Pleasures {Watch Now]
#588 The Waterkeepers {Watch Now]
#589 Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure {watch)
#591 Louis Slesin: Cell Phones: Are We at Risk? {watch)
#592 Joel Kupferman: Environmental Law and Justice Project {watch
#593 Grub with Anna Lappe {watch)
#594 Greenpeace USA with Bill Richardson {Click to Watch)
#595 Lisa Rainwater van Suntum: Indian Point
#596 Barbara Zimmerman: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest {watch
#597 Children's Health and the Environment {Click to watch)
#598 Driving Clean and Green {Click to watch)
#599 Tom Goldtooth: The Indigenous Environmental Network

#600 Forest Ethics with Tzeporah Berman {Watch]

#601 Ocean Planet with Wallace J. Nichols {Watch]

#603 Solar Breakthroughs with Dean Hapshe {Watch]

#604 Susan Harder: Light Pollution {Watch]

#605 Nuclear Relapse with Kevin Kamps {Watch]

#606 Nuclear Power: Dirty, Dangerous & Expensive with Kevin Kamps {Watch]

#607 Dr. Alonso Aguirre: Conservation Medicine {Click to Watch]

#610 Chernobyl: A Million Casualties {Click to Watch]

#611 Lester Brown: World on the Edge {Click to Watch]

#612 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility {Watch]

#613 Nukespeak {Click to Watch]

#614 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting {Click to Watch]

#615 Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure Update {Click to Watch

#616 Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior {Click to Watch]

#617 David Brower {Click to Watch]

#618 Toxic Baby with Penelope Jagessar Chaffer {Click to Watch]

#619 Plastic Free with Beth Terry {Click to Watch]

#620 WeAct for Environmental Justice {Click to Watch]

#621 Wonders of Industrial Hemp {Click to Watch]
#622 HealthyPlanet with Bob DiBenedetto {Click to Watch]

#623 The Mothers Project {Click to Watch]

#624 Ansje Miller Center for Environmental Health {Click to Watch]

#625 Deepwater Wind with Clint Plummer {Click to Watch]

#626 Sandra Steingraber Part 1 {Click to Watch] (extended version)

#627 Sandra Steingraber Part 2 {Click to Watch] (extended version)


#629 Nuclear Power Today Alec Baldwin [Click to Watch]

#630 Mag Lev Trains with Ernie Fazio [Click to Watch]

#631 Grassroots Environmental Education [Click to Watch]

Enviro Close-Up TV Interview Show Series Archives {Click To Watch]


#146 Everything You Wanted to Know About Composting


ECU 150 Bart Church Co-Op America

ECU 175 Greenhouses.jpg

# 181 Renewables Are Ready - Watch Excerpt






#189 David Brower Part 1


#195 Dr. Alvin Marks, Solar Pioneer

© 1991 - 2025 by Envision Environmental Media Center

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