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Enviro Close-Up

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Airing on FSTV Last Sat. of each month at 4PM EST

Through informative discussion Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman explores issues such as global warming; safe, clean renewable energy; sustainability; nuclear proliferation; environmental justice; green technology; biodiversity; over-consumption; environmental pollution and its effect on human health.

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Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman: Nuclear Power Today

Alec Baldwin kicks off the latest “Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman” program blasting the nuclear power industry as “criminal” and being like the tobacco and gun industries in not caring about killing people. They “want to walk over a pile of dead bodies,” declares Baldwin. View full program here    "Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman: Nuclear Power Today" ECU #629  (28:45)

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This "Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman"  spotlights how if Trump gets his way on formation of a U.S. Space Force, the heavens would become a war zone. Inevitably, there would be military conflict in space. The Space Force scheme flies in the face of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 that designates space as the global commons to be used for peaceful purposes. Space weaponry would be nuclear-powered—as Reagan's “Star Wars” scheme was to be, with nuclear reactors and plutonium systems on orbiting battle platforms providing the power for hypervelocity guns, particle beams and laser weapons.  Amid the many horrible things being done by the Trump administration, turning the heavens into a war zone would be the most terribly destructive.  The coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Bruce Gagnon, is featured in the program. View full program here    Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #628  28:00)

Janet Tauro, Board Chair, Clean Water Action of New Jersey tells of how the battle against the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey, the oldest nuclear plant in the United States, was won -- with the plant scheduled to be shut down this year. This is the first part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here    Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #701  (5:30)


Amy Goldsmith, New Jersey State Director, Clean Water Action.  This piece considers the environmental outrages of the Trump administration and how what is being done by Trump, EPA chief Scott Pruitt and others in the administration can be fought and also offset.  This is the second part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here    Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #702  (7:07)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has arranged a $7.6 billion bailout to keep four old nuclear power plants in upstate New York running under the guise that they are producing "clean" energy. Ratepayers throughout the state are to pay this money over a 12-year period. Featured is Susan Shapiro, an attorney in a lawsuit challenging the bailout, which has become a model for other nuclear bailouts by other states.  This the third of part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.
  View full program here   Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #703  (7:21)

Nuclear power plants do not need to undergo a catastrophic accident, like what happened at Fukushima or Chernobyl, to cause illness and death. They are allowed to routinely emit radioactive poisons which result in illnesses and fatalities, explains Joseph Mangano, executive director of the  Radiation and Public Health Project.  This the first of part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here
  Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #704  (5:36)

Living Downstream with Sandra Steingraber

Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D., biologist, author and cancer survivor, extends her discussion of her first book, Living Downstream, by detailing other writings and her acts of civil disobedience including her battle against fracking. She says: "We are all members of a great human orchestra and it is now time to play the Save the World Symphony." Steingraber has been named a Woman of the Year by Ms. Magazine, a Person of the Year by Treehugger, and one of 25 “Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World” by the Utne Reader. 

#626 Part 1 View full program here and  #627 Part 2 View full program here

Deepwater Wind with Clint Plummer

Deepwater Wind is the leading offshore wind developer in the U.S. The company's innovative Block Island Wind Farm, its placement now underway, will be the first offshore wind farm for the nation.  It is to be followed by Deepwater ONE, also east of Long Island, providing power to Long Island and a southern New England. And then Garden State Offshor Energy off New Jersey. Clint Plummer, vice president for development of Deepwater Wind, discusses how offshore wind -- an energy source well advanced in Europe, led by the U.K., Germany and Denmark, provides abundant, clean and cost-effective power. #625 View full program here

Center for Environmental Health with Ansje Miller The Center for Environmental Health is the leading nonprofit organization in the U.S. protecting children and families from disease-causing chemicals in consumer products and in the air, water and food. CEH Eastern States Director Ansje Miller explains how every day Americans are exposed to hundreds of harmful chemicals without their knowledge and consent and how her organization works to change the way business does business -- and has had major successes. #624 View full program here

The Mothers Project Angela Monti Fox is the founder of The Mothers Project which describes itself as being "a global coalition of mothers formed on behalf of children who cannot vote or make public policy. As "their advocates and protectors, we support energy sources that do not fill our children's environment -- and thus their bodies -- with toxic pollution." The Mothers Project, based in New York City, has been in the forefront in battling fracking and nuclear power. #623 View full program here!

HealthyPlanet with Bob DiBenedetto Bob DiBenedetto is executive director of HealthyPlanet, a non-profit organization whose mission is "to promote food choices and lifestyles that respect our bodies and our shared environment." In this Enviro Close-Up he tells of how the Huntington, New York-based group educates people "about the deep connection between all life on Earth, and the powerful effect our everyday choices can have on creating a cleaner, healthier and more compassionate world." #622 View full program here!

Wonders of Industrial Hemp Linda Booker, producer and director of the new award-winning documentary, "Bringing It Home," speaks about the numerous uses of industrial hemp -- including for clothing, food and beverages, paper, building materials -- and the federal prohibition on it being grown in the United States. This although it's legally grown in many countries and the U.S. imports it. She elaborates on the key message of the documentary that "hemp is hope." #621 View full program here!

WeAct for Environmental Justice Cecil Corbin-Mark, deputy director of We Act for Environmental Justice, speaks on how hazardous waste facilities and other sources of toxic pollution have been routinely sited in minority communities in the United States. He tells of how his Harlem-based organization was started to challenge this form of racism -- and how it is in the forefront in New York City, and now nationally, in fighting for environmental justice. #620 View full program here!

Plastic Free with Beth Terry Beth Terry is the author of Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too. After learning about the North Pacific Gyre, also known as "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" -- the gigantic deposit of plastic debris floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean -- she embarked on a plastic free life. Terry, a founding member of the Plastic Pollution Coalition, explains in this Enviro Close-Up how everyone can live plastic free. Her blog,, is the leading blog on plastic free living. #619 View full program here!

Toxic Baby with Penelope Jagessar Chaffer
The latest project of Penelope Jagessar Chaffer, a London-born filmaker and the first black woman to be nominated for the British Academy Award, is "Toxic Baby" -- a documentary about the exposure of children to thousands of toxic chemicals. In it, she interviews numerous scientists who have documented the damage done to children by these

poisonous substances in wide use today. #618 View the entire program here!

David Brower This Enviro Close-Up is a repeat of Karl Grossman's 1996 interview with David Brower (1912-2000), a giant of the environmental movement, founder and chair of Earth Island Institute, founder of Friends of the Earth and former executive director of the Sierra Club. Brower tells of his long and illustrious life as a key environmental leader, and discusses the environmental movement's history. #617 View the entire program here!

Peter Willcox: Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior sails the world challenging environmental outrages. Pete Willcox, captain of the new and third Rainbow Warrior, discusses its mission and what has led him to a life of environmental campaigning at sea. #616 View full program here.

Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure Update The initiative Prevention Is The Cure focuses on preventing cancer and other diseases by eliminating the environmental causes that largely cause them. Karen Joy Miller, founder of the effort, outlines what needs be done -- and what you can do. #615 View full program here.

Janine Jackson: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting or FAIR is the leading media watch group in the United States. Janine Jackson, program director of FAIR, discusses how corporate ownership impacts on media, stories that are neglected and under-reported -- including the consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster, the government's "official agenda" and how media follow "Washington's official line," telecom policy and diversity in media. She outlines the activities of FAIR among them its magazine Extra! and radio program CounterSpin -- and how people can support FAIR. Enviro Close-Up #614. View full program here.

Rory O'Connor: Nukespeak Of the books written about nuclear technology through the years, Nukespeak is a classic. A new 30th anniversary edition of Nukespeak has just been published and co-author Rory O'Connor speaks about it. The new edition of Nukespeak has been updated -- with four new chapters -- and added to its title is: The Selling of Nuclear Technology from the Manhattan Project to Fukushima. It tells how nuclear promoters have been -- and continue -- using Orwellian language to try to hide the truth about the deadly dangers of nuclear technology. #613 Watch full program here.

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) is an organization dedicated to protecting public employees who protect our environment. Jeff Ruch, PEER's executive director, details the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit group's many activities--including its whistleblower program and its defense of environmental professionals against political pressures that seek to gag them and suppress their work. #612

Lester Brown: World on the Edge Founder and President of the Earth Policy Institute, Lester Brown, speaks about his new book World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse. The issues, says Brown, are critical -- and the big question is whether we can change direction before "we go over the edge." Among his points: solar, wind and geothermal energy, with energy efficiency, can provide all the power we need, but a massive effort must be made now to fully shift to these clean, safe, renewable energy technologies. He strongly rejects nuclear power. #611

Chernobyl: A Million Casualties A million people have died so far as a result of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident, explains Dr. Janette Sherman, toxicologist and contributing editor of the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Published by the New York Academy of Sciences, the book, authored by Dr. Alexey Yablokov, Dr. Vassily Nesterenko and Dr. Alexey Nesterenko, examined medical records now available--which expose as a lie the claim of the International Atomic Energy Commission that perhaps 4,000 people may die as a result of Chernobyl. #610 View full program here.

Larry Kilroy: Healthy Building Network
Larry Kilroy of the Healthy Building Network outlines how his organization strives to have where people work, play and live, environmentally sound, socially just and healthy. #609 View full program here.

Chuck Schwartz: Energy Efficiency at Home

Chuck Schwartz, an energy efficiency expert, discusses the many ways in which homes and buildings can be made more energy efficient. He outlines how an “energy audit" can determine wasteful energy use--and how, at relatively low cost, the problems can be fixed and money and energy saved. #608

Dr. Alonso Aguirre: Conservation Medicine
Dr. Alonso Aguirre of the Conservation Medicine Program of the EcoHealth Alliance, formerly known as Wildlife Trust, discusses the intricate relationships between wildlife, ecosystems and human health. He describes the impacts on turtles and other marine life -- as well as plants and people -- of emerging diseases caused by global pollution and the loss of biological diversity and habitat.   A veterinarian and a Ph.D., Dr. Aguirre is a pioneer in the new discipline of ecological health. He outlines what is being done --and needs to be done -- to  protect delicate ecosystems for the benefit of wildlife and humans. #607 View full program here!

Kevin Kamps: Nuclear Power: Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear explodes the myths now being promulgated by those promoting nuclear power. He tells of the insoluble problems of nuclear waste, how nuclear power plants routinely emit radioactive poisons, how catastrophic accidents can happen, how nuclear power plants are pre-deployed weapons of mass destruction for terrorists, and the enormously high costs of nuclear power. He exposes the falsehood that the French nuclear program has been a success and that nuclear power does not contribute to global warming. #606 View 12 min. version here!

Kevin Kamps: The Nuclear Relapse
Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear discusses the huge push now underway to revive nuclear power. He exposes schemes including unlimited taxpayer-backed loan guarantees for the building of new nuclear plants. #605

Susan Harder: Light Pollution

Susan Harder of the International Dark Sky Association tells of the problems and damage caused by light pollution, the history of the dark sky movement and what can be done to dim or eliminate the light that obscures the night sky. #604

Solar Breakthroughs with Dean Hapshe

Dean Hapshe, a pioneer in solar energy and president of Majestic Son and Sons of Patchogue, New York, tells of the big advances in solar technology in recent years and how, at the same time, costs have come down. He also outlines government tax credits and utility rebates that have resulted in homeowners now paying a fraction of the final cost of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal installations. #603

Rainforest Action Network with Michael Brune
Michael Brune, Executive Director of Rainforest Action Network, discusses how RAN works to transform the global economy and create a just and sustainable world through their hard hitting grassroots campaigns: Freedom From Oil, Global Finance, RAN’s Old Growth Campaign, and The Rainforest Agribusiness Campaign. #602

Ocean Planet with Wallace J. Nichols

Wallace J. Nichols, Co-Director of, speaks about the Earth being the "ocean planet." The oceans comprise 71 percent of the Earth's surface, he notes, so when addressing global warming or environment in general, the state of the oceans--and there are big problems--is critical. #601 Watch 10 minute version here

Forest Ethics with Tzeporah Berman

Tzeporah Berman, co-founder and program director of ForestEthics, describes its mission of protecting endangered forests and wild places, wildlife and human well-being, with a major emphasis on climate change. ForestEthics also focuses on industries that use products from wild places and has transformed the environmental practices of many of them. #600 Watch 10 minute version here!

The Indigenous Environmental Network with Tom Goldtooth

Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, describes this alliance of Native grassroots groups and communities working together on environmental issues. #599

Driving Clean and GreenHaving engines in cars and trucks use up to 50 percent less fuel and reducing emissions by 90 percent is possible through a vehicle "add-on" system developed by CLean Motors Corporation. Izzy Haber, its chief executive officer, demonstrates what he calls this "true comprehensive revolution" in locomotion. #598

Children's Health and the Environment

Dr. Leo Trasande, M.D., M.P.P., Assistant Director for The Mount Sinai Center for Children's Health and the Environment, talks about his work to safeguard those most susceptible to environmental pollution: children. Dr. Trasande says of the 80,000 chemicals in wide use, including mercury and pesticides, 60% are not tested for toxicity. #597

Barbara Zimmerman: Protecting The Amazon Rainforest

Barbara Zimmerman, Director of the Kayapo Project for Conservation International, explains how the Kayapo tribe of Brazil has managed to protect the largest preserved area of rainforest in the world. #596 View full program here.

Lisa Rainwater van Suntum

Indian Point: One of 103 River Keeper's Indian Point Campaign Director, Lisa Rainwater van Suntum, discusses the serious threats to public health and safety of the Indian Point nuclear power facility just north of New Your City, which is among the 103 nuclear plants now operating in the United States. She also discusses the strong support of G. W. Bush for the construction of new nuclear plants. #595

Greenpeace USA with Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson, Deputy Executive Director of Greenpeace USA, speaks on the group's work including its challenges to global warming and the push to revive nuclear power as well as activities to save the oceans. Richardson, with Greenpeace since 1988, has taken part in numerous Greenpeace protests including climbing the Sears Tower in Chicago on the 50th anniversary of the first sustained atomic reaction in that city and blockades in Oregon to end commercial logging on the public lands of the United States. #594 View 10 min. version

Grub with Anna Lappe
Anna Lappe who wrote Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet with her mother, Frances Moore Lappe, and who co-authored, Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen, with Bryant Terry, discusses good food, the consolidation of the food supply, loss of plant diversity, the farm crisis and the impact of globalization on agriculture. #593

Joel Kupferman:  Environmental Law and Justice Project
Joel Kupferman, executive director and head attorney of the New York Environmental Law and Justice Project, details the government cover-up of the public health impacts of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. #592 View 7 min. version

Louis Slesin: Cell Phones: Are We at Risk?

Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, details the potential health impacts of cell phones citing research studies. With two billion cell phones now in use around the world, Slesin says they represent the biggest public health experiment ever. #591

Karen Joy Miller: Prevention is the Cure

Karen Joy Miller speaks on the movement she launched that emphasizes that the best way to fight cancer and other largely environmentally-caused diseases is to eliminate the causes of these diseases. #589 View 7 min. version

The Waterkeepers
New York - New Jersey Baykeeper Andy Willner and Peconic Baykeeper Kevin McAllister tell of the work of those who protect the waters of the world through the Waterkeeper Alliance. #588 View 7 min. version

Brian Halweil: Eat Here, Homegrown Pleasures

Brian Halweil, senior researcher at Worldwatch Institute and author of "Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket," speaks on why getting food from nearby farms and shops rather than distant agribusinesses in better for your health, for farmers and for the Planet. #587 View 7 min. version

John de Graaf: Take Back Your Time

John de Graaf, national coordinator of Take Back Your Time Day and author of the book "Affluenza," discusses the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and the environment. We need to slow down -- and realize the folly of the frenetic scramble for affluence. #586

Disinfopedia with John Stauber
John Stauber is founder and director of the Center for Media and Democracy, and co-author of books including "Toxic Sludge is Good for You!," "Mad Cow U.S.A.," "Trust Us We're Experts," "Weapons of Mass Deception," and "Banana Republicans."  In this Enviro Close-Up he speaks about the newest target of the center -- disinfopedia: disinformation by corporate public relations operatives -- and its other projects helping people cut through PR propaganda and the deceptions of right-wing political machines and Big Media. #585

Carolyn Raffensperger: Science and Environmental Health
Carolyn Raffensperger, environmental attorney and founding executive director of the Science and Environmental Health Network, speaks in this Enviro Close-up of how the wise application of science is critical to the protection of the environment and public health. And she stresses the importance of the Precautionary Principle -- key elements include taking precautions in the face of scientific uncertainty; exploring alternatives to possibly harmful actions and placing the burden of proof on proponents of an activity. #584 View 10 min. version

John Mohawk: A Conversation with John Mohawk

Mohawk, the author of books including "A Basic Call to Consciousness" and "Red Buffalo," is professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo. In this Enviro Close-up, Mohawk, a Seneca, speaks about how the conquest of indigenous peoples parallels the conquest of nature, how ideologies of Western Civilization have led to slaughter and devastation and is now driving the world off a cliff into environmental disaster. #583

Richard Heinberg: Oil: The Party's Over

Richard Heinberg, author of "The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies" and "Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World," and professor at New College of California, discusses the end of oil as the fuel of industrial societies. There must be fundamental changes, says Heinberg, a full commitment to renewable energy, adoption of energy conservation measures and a transition to sustainable local food systems.#582 View 9 min. version

Dave Phillips: Earth Island Institute

Executive Director Dave Phillips tells how Earth Island Institute, founded in 1982 by veteran environmentalist David Brower, works for solutions to environmental problems by developing and supporting projects for the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the global environment. #581 View 10 minute version

Ashley Shelby: The Ongoing Exxon Valdez Disaster

Writer Ashley Shelby details how the terrible impacts of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska continue. She tells how Exxon, despite a federal jury ordering it pay $5.2 billion in punitive damages to fishers and natives, still fights the verdict. #580

Frank Locantore: The Politics of Paper

Frank Locantore, director of Co-op America's Woodwise Program, speaks of the massive destruction of forests as one billion trees are cut down each year to make paper. He also describes the toxic pollution resulting from paper manufacturing and discusses alternatives to paper. #579 View 10 min. version

Michael Brune: Rainforest Action Network

Michael Brune, executive director of Rainforest Action Network, tells of its work and its successes--most recently an agreement by the giant bank Citigroup that includes an end to its funding of exploitive industries in endangered ecosystems. Also, Brune reveals steps now being taken by a Congressional committee to subpeona records of his organization, an effort, he says, to stifle activism by RAN and others in the environmental movement. #578 View 5 min. version

Building Green

Energy-efficient, environmentally sound building design is discussed by Alex Wilson, president of BuildingGreen, Inc. #577  View 7 min. version

Socially Responsible Investing

Writer Marshall Glickman examines socially responsible investing, its history and impacts. #575

Oren Lyons: Value Change for Survival

Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Nation who for decades has been a visionary voice, active in international indigenous rights and sovereignty issues at the United Nations and other international forums, speaks of how "we are living in a time of prophecy." #574 View 8 min. version

John Cavanagh: Alternatives to Economic Globalization

John Cavanagh, director of the Institute for Policy Studies, co-author of 22 books on the global economy, speaks on the alternatives to economic globalization. Cavanagh's books include "Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order." #573

David Suzuki

David Suzuki, scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster, an internationally respected geneticist, professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and author of more than 30 books, speaks on the ecological crisis we face. #572

Andy Kimbrell: Challenging Corporate Globalization

Andrew Kimbrell, attorney, activist and author and founder of the International Center for Technology Assessment, speaks on dangerous technologies--including genetic engineering. #571 View 8 min. version

The Reckoning: Global Warming

Jim Motavalli, editor of E, The Environmental Magazine, explains the major impacts global warming is already making and the devastating consequences that will result for the planet's biodiversity and the human race itself in coming years as it alters the Earth's climate--unless aggressive, unified worldwide action is taken to deal with global warming. And he talks of the forthcoming book, "Feeling The Heat: Reports From the Frontlines of Climate Change," which he edited with contributions from leading specialists in global warming. #570

Marilee Foster and Joseph Gergela: Saving Farms

The efforts made by the Long Island Farm Bureau to save farmland—seen as a national model—are described by Joseph Gergela, Executive Director, Long Island Farm Bureau and Marilee Foster, Farmer and Author. #569

Kathleen Whitley & Scott Cullen: Blowing in the Offshore Wind

The great strides being made in harvesting wind power from off shore, for electricity are discussed by Kathleen Whitley, Co-Director, Citizens Energy Alliance and Scott Cullen, Long Island Offshore Wind Energy Initiative #568

Victor Yannacone: Environmental Law Pioneer

Attorney Victor Yannacone describes his efforts beginning in the 1960s to use the law to fight for environmental action--and details how courts can best be used today to preserve a livable environment. Yannacone's motto: "Sue the bastards." #567

Brian Howard: Message in a Bottle

"Despite the hype, bottled water is neither cleaner nor greener than tap water," says Brian Howard, managing editor of E/The Environmental Magazine, and author of a cover story in E on bottled water. #566 View 9 min. version

Glen Alcalay: The Atomic Atolls

The plight of the people of the Marshall Islands - subject to a series of huge nuclear weapons tests in the 1950's - is described by anthropologist Glen Alcalay.#565

Ashok Gupta: Green Ground Zero

Ashok Gupta, Air & Energy Program Director for the Natural Resources Defense Council speaks of integrating sustainable energy principles into the reconstruction of the World Trade Center. #563

Jim Riccio: The New Push to Revive Nuclear PowerIn "The New Push to Revive Nuclear Power," Jim Riccio describes how the nuclear industry, working with the Bush administration, are involved in a major effort to build more and supposedly "new, improved" nuclear power plants, extend the operating lives of existing plants, water down regulation further, lower standards for radiation and "recycle" nuclear waste into commercial products. #561

Jim Riccio: The ABC's of Atomic Power

In "The ABC's of Atomic Power" Jim Riccio, nuclear policy analyst for Greenpeace USA, an attorney who previously worked for the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and Public Citizen, clearly explains that nuclear technology grew out of the military's desire for plutonium to build nuclear weapons. #560

The Women's Environment and Development Organization WEDO - The Women's Environment and Development Organization - is an international advocacy network that seeks to increase the power of women worldwide as policymakers at all levels in governments, institutions and forums to achieve economic and social justice, a healthy and peaceful planet, and human rights for all. New York based WEDO was co-founded by the legendary congresswoman, Bella Abzug. In this Enviro Close-Up, June Zeitlin, the executive director of WEDO, is interviewed by Karl Grossman. #559

Gordian Raacke: Sustainable Energy

Gordian Raacke, Executive Director of the Citizen's Advisory Panel, a Long Island based energy watchdog group, details how our energy needs can be met through safe, clean, renewable energy technologies. #558

Paul Lacinski: The Straw Bale House

Paul Lacinski, co-author of Serious Straw Bale, details how buildings made with straw bales are extraordinarily energy efficient, comfortable to live in and fun to build. A partner in Green Space Collaborative, and environmental consulting firm in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Licinski tells of his involvement in constructing houses using straw bales throughout the United States as well as in Mongolia and China. #557 View 7 min. version

Michael Phillips: Food As Medicine

Michael Phillips, co-author of The Village Herbalist, explains the importance of herbs for good health. Phillips, also the author of The Apple Grower, speaks on growing apples and other fruit without chemical pesticides -- and producing healthy food. #556 View 7 min. 50 sec. version!

Mark Crispin Miller: Media and Environment

Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media ecology at New York University and executive director of the Project on Media Ownership, discusses the dismal performance by media in reporting on environmental issues. Dr. Miller tells of how six companies now dominate most of U.S. media. Further, Miller, the author of The Bush Dyslexicon, notes the place of the Bush administration in the corporate media scene. #555

Peter Hoffmann: The Forever Fuel: Hydrogen

Peter Hoffmann, author of Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet and editor and publisher of the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter, stresses how hydrogen is the "forever fuel." #554

Victor W. Sidel, M.D.: Physicians for Social ResponsibilityA founder and co-president of the Nobel Award-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility. Distinguished Professor of Social Medicine at the Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Sidel has been a leader globally in combining a life in medicine with action on social concerns and issues of war and peace. He has written and lectured extensively on the organization of medical care in other countries and on the need for structural change and not-for-profit single-payer reform in the U.S. In this Enviro Close-Up, he details his work to Karl Grossman. #553

Peggy Shepard: Environmental JusticeThe fight for environmental justice and against environmental racism - the targeting of people of color communities with toxic facilities and racial discrimination in environmental policy making and enforcement - are the issues tackled in this Enviro Close-Up with Peggy M. Shepard, executive director and co-founder of West Harlem Environmental Action (WE ACT). WE ACT works for environmental justice in matters of land use, air pollution, open space and environmental health. Founded in 1988, it advances it's mission through public education, political advocacy and direct action. #552

Martin Teitel: Responsible Genetics

Martin Teitel, Ph.D., president of the Council for Responsible Genetics, outlines this group's program to foster public debate about the social, ethical and environmental implications of new genetic technologies. #549

Harvey Wasserman: Challenging Nuclear Power

Wasserman declares that "the idea of reviving nuclear power as put forward by George Bush and Dick Cheney could only be termed patently insane." He continues: "We have had a half century of experience with atomic energy. It is a blatant failure. It is actually the most expensive failure in technological history." And Wasserman, in this Enviro Close-Up interview program, stresses not only the dangers of nuclear power but details the availability of safe, clean, renewable energy technologies wind, solar, hydrogen, geothermal among many others here today which, with energy efficiency, could provide for energy needs without the awesome threat of atomic energy. Harvey Wasserman is a senior advisor to Greenpeace USA and Nuclear Information and Resource Service. #550

John Stauber: PR Watch

An interview with John Stauber, co-author of Trust Us, We're Experts! How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles With Your Future, Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! and Mad Cow U.S.A. and editor of PR Watch. #548

Fritjof Capra: Ecological Sustainability

The author of best-sellers including The Tao of Physics, The Turning Point and The Web of Life, Dr. Capra is a physicist and systems theorist and founding director of the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California. He discusses the new global capitalism and it's threat to ecological sustainability. He explains his theories and his life’s work as an environmental activist in this Enviro Close-Up. #547

Vandana Shiva: Globalization and Nature

Internationally acclaimed as one of the most articulate critics of globalization, Vandana Shiva is a philosopher of science and an indefatigable activist.  She articulates her brilliant perspective with passion in this Enviro Close-Up.  Director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy in New Delhi, India, Dr. Shiva’s books include: Monoculture of the Mind: Biotechnology and the Environment; Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply; Biopiracy and the Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. #546

Michael Mariotte: The State of Nuclear Power Today
Videotaped at the Northeast Action Camp for a Nuclear-Free New England. Michael Mariotte provides a comprehensive picture of the world-wide nuclear power situation. He talks about his trip to Chernobyl and effective challenges to nuclear technology in Europe and the US. #541

Theo Colborn: World Wildlife Fund

The noted researcher discusses a massive study she conducted as senior scientist of the World Wildlife Fund -- documenting dire and widespread health impacts of life on earth from toxic chemicals.#136

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