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Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman: Nuclear Power Today (Airing on Free Speech TV )


Alec Baldwin kicks off the latest “Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman” program blasting the nuclear power industry as “criminal” and being like the tobacco and gun industries in not caring about killing people. They “want to walk over a pile of dead bodies,” declares Baldwin.

View full program here    "Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman: Nuclear Power Today"

Janet Tauro, Board Chair, Clean Water Action of New Jersey tells of how the battle against the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey, the oldest nuclear plant in the United States, was won -- with the plant scheduled to be shut down this year. This is the first part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here   

Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #701  (5:30)


Amy Goldsmith, New Jersey State Director, Clean Water Action.  This piece considers the environmental outrages of the Trump administration and how what is being done by Trump, EPA chief Scott Pruitt and others in the administration can be fought and also offset.  This is the second part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here   

Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #702  (7:07)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has arranged a $7.6 billion bailout to keep four old nuclear power plants in upstate New York running under the guise that they are producing "clean" energy. Ratepayers throughout the state are to pay this money over a 12-year period. Featured is Susan Shapiro, an attorney in a lawsuit challenging the bailout, which has become a model for other nuclear bailouts by other states.  This the third of part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the ongoing hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.
  View full program here

Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #703  (7:21)

Nuclear power plants do not need to undergo a catastrophic accident, like what happened at Fukushima or Chernobyl, to cause illness and death. They are allowed to routinely emit radioactive poisons which result in illnesses and fatalities, explains Joseph Mangano, executive director of the  Radiation and Public Health Project.  This the first of part of a meeting of leaders and organizations exposing the hidden dangers of living near nuclear power plants.  View full program here

Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman #704  (5:36)

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